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Holy Father's Speech

Holy Father Francise says, remembering is an expression of humanity,,,Overcome prejudice ,,,,,!

글 : Msgr. Byon

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교황님 어제(2021, 27.Wednesday), At his General Audience on Wednesday, Pope Francis marks International Holocaust Remembrance Day, observed on the anniversary of the liberation of Nazi concentration and extermination camp at Auschwitz-Birkenau.2016년 아우스비치 방문 되새기시며, 하신 말씀.

On Holocaust Remembrance Day, Pope says remembering is an expression of humanity

At his General Audience on Wednesday, Pope Francis marks International Holocaust Remembrance Day, observed on the anniversary of the liberation of Nazi concentration and extermination camp at Auschwitz-Birkenau.

By Vatican News staff reporter

Today we commemorate the victims of the Holocaust and all those persecuted and deported by the Nazi regime,” Pope Francis said at his weekly General Audience.

His remarks came on International Holocaust Remembrance Day, which occurs each year on the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau – the largest Nazi concentration and death camp – by the Soviet Red Army during the Second World War.

Memory a condition for a better future-기념은 보다 나은 장래를 위한 조건이다-

“Remembering is an expression of humanity. Remembering is a sign of civilization,” the Pope said. “Remembering is a condition for a better future of peace and fraternity.”

Pope Francis continued, saying, “Remembering also means being careful because these things could happen again, beginning with ideological proposals intended to save a people and ending by destroying a people and humanity.” He warned that we must be attentive “to how this path of death, of extermination, and brutality begin.”

The Pope’s words echoed his message at last year’s observance of the Day of Remembrance, when he called on everyone to mark the day by taking a moment of prayer and recollection, “saying in our hearts, ‘Never again!’” Pope Francis appealed for remembrance of the Holocaust, saying, “In the face of this immense tragedy, indifference is not admissible and memory is due.”

Visit to Auschwitz in 2016

Pope Francis himself visited the Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial and Museum, on the site of the infamous Nazi death camp, during his visit to Poland in 2016. He became the third Pope to visit the site, following Pope St John Paul II and Benedict XVI.

Pope Francis’ visit was marked by profound silence, beginning with his passage through the gates to the camp, marked by the notorious slogan, “Arbeit macht frei” – “Work sets you free.” He prayed in silence in the cell of St Maximilian Kolbe, who gave his life for a fellow prisoner in the camp; and later met with Auschwitz survivors. (See Vatican Radio's report on the Pope's visit to Auschwitz-Birkenau in the Vatican RadioTopics POPE FRANCIS / 27 January 2021, 11:40


교황님 말씀 읽으며 한 독자의 보태어지는 묵상 - 아시아와 전 세계 어디서라도 핵 전쟁은 훨씬 더 가공할 제2, 제3의 아우스비치 참상을 부를 수 있는 오늘의 인류가 범하는 죄악이 아닌가 ? ! 참회하고 보속하는 생활을 잊지 말자 ! 경제 발전만이 모든 국가들 존립의 유일한 목적이 아니다. 무력 개발비와 국민 복지비를 비교해보자 ! 제 정신을 못 차리는 오늘의 인류가 아닌가 ?! -Msgr. Byon-


Pope at Angelus: 

Overcome prejudice and get involved in the lives of others'

Pope Francis during the AngelusPope Francis during the Angelus  (Vatican Media)

Pope Francis explained that in this episode, the apostle highlights two “transgressions”:

“The first transgression is that of the leper,” he said, whom “despite the prescriptions of the Law, comes out of his isolation and goes to Jesus.”

He explained that the man’s illness was considered a divine punishment, but, “in Jesus, he is able to see another aspect of God: not the God who punishes, but the Father of compassion and love who frees us from sin and never excludes us from His mercy.”

The sick man, the Pope continued, is thus able to emerge from his isolation because in Jesus he finds God who shares his pain.

“The second transgression is that of Jesus: even though the Law prohibited touching lepers, He is moved, extends His hand and touches him to cure him. He does not limit himself to words, but touches him,” he explained.

To touch with love, Pope Francis continued, means “to establish a relationship, to enter into communion, to become involved in the life of another person even to the point of sharing their wounds.”

With that gesture, he said, Jesus reveals that God is not indifferent, does not keep Himself at a “safe distance”: “He draws near out of compassion and touches our life to heal it with tenderness."

This, the Pope said, "is God's 'style': closeness, compassion, and tenderness: the 'transgression' of God. In this sense, He is a great transgressor." 

Do not fear "contamination" 

Decrying the fact that in the world today, so many of our brothers and sisters suffer marginalization and exclusion because of social stigmas, the Pope invited the faithful to break these barriers and get involved with their lives.

He said Jesus tells us that God “is not an idea or an abstract doctrine but the One who contaminates Himself with our human woundedness and is not afraid to come into contact with our wounds." The Pope urged Christians to go beyond selfishness, calculations or fears that prevent them from getting involved with the sufferings of others.

Instead, he said, let us ask the Lord for the grace to find the courage to emerge from our isolation and self-commiseration, and open our hearts to "a love that goes beyond conventions, that overcomes prejudices and the fear of getting involved with the lives of others." 

Pope Francis concluded, "Let us learn to be 'transgressors' like these two: like the leper, and like Jesus." <2021/14. Febr. in Rome>


우리가 하는 말에 틀리고, 바르지 못한, 그릇된 말이 없는지, 말하기 전에 되새겨보고, 신중하며, 진지해야 한다. 함부로 하는 얼마나 많은 말이 다른 사람들을 상하고 있으며, 바른 일을 그릇치고 있는가 ?!

偏見, 先入感. 先入見, 推測, 斟酌, 縮小, 誇張, 등,

prejudicium, prejudicare, preconceptus, preoccupatio, etc...

"예“해야 할 것엔. ”예“해야 하고, ”아니오“ 해야 할 것엔, ”아니오“ 해야 한다.

사실과 달리, 보태거나, 줄이거나, 과장하거나, 축소하거나, 하는 것은 

모두 틀리고, 잘못된 것이며, 악한 마음에서 나오기 쉽다. 

寸鐵殺人의 경우가 비일비재요,허다하다. 

얼굴에 검은 점이 하나 있더라도 점박이라고 하는 말은 삼가야 하는데 

하물며, 흑인이라고 말할 수는 없는 것이다. - Msgr. Byon-

입력 : 2021.01.28 오전 7:15:10
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